Teaching and Learning

Our Approach

Our preschool service offers a range of individual and group activities during the school-day. These activities are delivered through a language enriched environment and draw on a variety of evidence-informed practices and programmes. For example, we use the 'Attention Autism' program, a programme that supports the development of natural and spontaneous communication through the use of visually based and highly motivating activities. Other sessions include circle time, speech sessions, snack time, interactive story time and play development. Our Speech and Language Facilitator (SLF) monitors and guides the language goals that the teachers present to the children. Each child strengths and areas for development are assessed by the SLF and based on this assessment process, an individual speech and language program is developed. Recommendations and activities provided in the programme are then incorporated into the daily group and individual sessions for the child. Our SLF consults both on site and remotely and is available to assist with children’s programs, providing advice and support to staff and parents.


A Focus on Play Based Learning

Autistic children can communicate in a variety of different ways (e.g., speech, sign language, assistive devices, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and our priority is to identify our learners' preferred communication style and support its development through child-led, play-based activities. We also use these activities to help our learners develop other skills, including imitation and visual performance skills, in a way that is fun and motivating for the child.